Annoying Orange Kitchen Carnage
Annoying Orange Kitchen Carnage. ANNOYING ORANGE: KITCHEN CARNAGE is based on a series of online videos featuring a talking orange and various other fruits. When I open it all it does is got to a black screen for a second then it says it closed unexpectedly." So it ain't just me :- I'm having a similar experience, except I don't get the message saying it closed unexpectedly.
The game works like the Paper Toss app, but instead of crumpled balls of paper you're flinging fruits with faces; and instead of a wastebasket.
Metacritic Game Reviews, Annoying Orange: Kitchen Carnage for iPhone/iPad, HEY!
This is the article about the video game. Once the carnage starts, Pear realizes that it's no roster…IT'S A RECIPE!!! The game works like the Paper Toss app, but instead of crumpled balls of paper you're flinging fruits with faces; and instead of a wastebasket, you're aiming for blenders.
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